Apply to our School

Fill out the form below to register your child for Växjö Internationella Grundskola. The application is not binding. 

    Information om det sökande barnet

    Välj språk

    Nuvarande skola

    Vårdnadshavare 1

    Vårdnadshavare 2

    Vi behöver ditt samtycke för att hantera dina personuppgifter. Ditt förtroende är viktigt för oss och vi vill att du ska känna dig trygg när du lämnar dina personuppgifter till oss. Den 25 maj 2018 trädde ett nytt regelverk för hantering av personuppgifter i kraft (Dataskyddsförordningen)*. Vi har säkerställt att vår hantering av dina personuppgifter uppfyller de nya kraven.

    Genom att klicka i kryssrutan så ger du ditt samtycke till att Nordic International School Kronoberg hanterar era och ert barns personuppgifter i sin administration av kön. För mer information kontakta skolan: *Dataskyddsförordningen/GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), ersätter den svenska Personuppgiftslagen (PuL) och kraven på hur företag får behandla dina personuppgifter skärps.

    This Happens Next

    When you have submitted an application, you will receive a confirmation email that the application has been received by us. You will then be contacted by our principal Henrik Lacko. After that you are welcome to visit us, meet our staff and see our premises.

    When there are more applicants than places, we prioritize children who already have siblings at the school. After that, it is the person who applied first who gets in.


    More About the School

    We are an F-9 school with about 230 students from preschool class to grade 9. Although we have grown since the start, our strength lies in the small and familiar. Every student is seen and teachers and students know each other well.

    Read more about the school

    This Is How We Work

    We believe in a calm and safe study environment where everyone knows each other and works together. We speak English more than at most other schools and you grow into the language the older you get.

    More about how we work and our results